3198 | «ՍԱԾ ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-19/2» | Purchase of software maintenance services by code SAC-EAChTsDzB-19/2 | 1 | Failed | 2019-02-19 10:00:00 | |
2650 | ՍԱԾ ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-19/1 | Purchase of software maintenance services by code SAC-EAChTsDzB-19/1 | 1 | Canceled | 2019-02-06 10:30:00 | |
3393 | ՍԱԾ ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-19/4 | Purchase of software maintenance services by code SAC EAChTsDzB-19/4 | 1 | Failed | 2019-02-22 14:30:00 | |
913 | ՍԱԾ ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-18/3 | Purchase of signboard by code SAC-EAChAPDzB-18/3 | 4 | Failed | 2018-11-14 12:30:00 | |
1656 | ՍԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ19/2 | Purchase of Sevan Medical CJSC Medical Supplies | 36 | Failed | 2018-12-21 15:00:00 | |
647 | ՍԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ18/15 | Purchase of Sevan Medical CJSC Medical Supplies | 21 | Failed | 2018-11-01 15:30:00 | |
1658 | ՍԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ19/1 | Purchase of Sevan Medical CJSC Medical Supplies | 50 | Failed | 2018-12-20 16:00:00 | |
124 | ՍԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ18/13 | Purchase of Sevan Medical CJSC Medical Supplies | 22 | Failed | 2018-09-03 12:30:00 | |
2310 | ՍԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ19/5 | Purchase of Sevan Medical CJSC Medical Supplies | 27 | Failed | 2019-01-24 15:00:00 | |
2698 | ՀՀ ԱԱԾ-ՏՆՏՎ-ԷԱՃ-1/19-ՈՒՍՈՒՑՈՒՄ | Purchase of security training services for the needs of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia | 1 | Failed | 2019-02-08 14:15:00 | |
1007 | ՀՀ-ՏԿԶՆ-ԷԱՃ-ԱՊՁԲ-18/2-21 | Purchase of scanner for needs of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development of RA | 1 | Failed | 2018-11-20 15:45:00 | |
2962 | ՀՀ ԳՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-19/01 | Purchase of Regular Type of Petrol for Gegharkunik Regional Administration needs | 1 | Failed | 2019-02-13 11:00:00 | |
1093 | ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2019/1-1-ԵՊԲՀ | Purchase of Regular Petrol for YSMU Needs | 1 | Failed | 2018-11-22 14:30:00 | |
2026 | ԿՄԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-19/1 | Purchase of Regular Petrol for the needs of Yeghvard Municipality | 1 | Failed | 2019-01-10 11:00:00 | |
1449 | ՀՀ ԱԱԾ-ՏՆՏՎ-ԷԱՃ-1/19-ԲԵՆԶԻՆ | Purchase of regular gasoline for the needs of the National Security Service of the Republic of Armenia | 1 | Failed | 2018-12-19 10:30:00 | |
1514 | ՀՀ-ՏԿԶՆ-ԷԱՃ-ԾՁԲ-19/1-1 | Purchase of public telephone services for the needs of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development of the Republic of Armenia | 1 | Failed | 2018-12-13 15:00:00 | |
1914 | ՀՀ-ՏԿԶՆ-ԷԱՃ-ԾՁԲ-19/1-2 | Purchase of public telephone services for the needs of the Ministry of Territorial Administration and Development of the Republic of Armenia | 1 | Failed | 2018-12-28 14:30:00 | |
1194 | ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-2019/3-ԵՊԲՀ | Purchase of printing services for YSMU | 13 | Failed | 2018-11-28 11:00:00 | |
2777 | ԱՍՀՆ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-19/2 | Purchase of Petrol Regular for the needs of the Ministry of Labor and Social Issues of the Republic of Armenia | 1 | Failed | 2019-02-08 10:00:00 | |
48 | ՀՀ ՎԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-18/1 | Purchase of petrol for the needs of the RA Statistical Committee | 1 | Failed | 2018-08-14 15:45:00 | |
1849 | ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-ԱԻՆ-19/2 | Purchase of petrol for the needs of the Ministry of Emergency Situations / in accordance with Article 15, Part 6 of the RA Procurement Law. | 1 | Failed | 2019-01-08 15:30:00 | |
1872 | ՀՀԼՄ-ԷԱԱՊՁԲ-19/02 | Purchase of petrol for the needs of Lori Marzpetaran | 1 | Failed | 2018-12-27 15:00:00 | |
659 | ԳՄԳՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-18/2 | Purchase of petrol for the needs of Gavar municipality | 1 | Failed | 2018-11-01 11:00:00 | |
2150 | ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱԱՊՁԲ-01/19 | Purchase of petrol for Gyumri municipality needs. | 1 | Failed | 2019-01-18 09:00:00 | |
2515 | ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱԱՊՁԲ-03/19 | Purchase of petrol for Gyumri municipality needs | 1 | Failed | 2019-01-31 10:00:00 | |
14 | ՀԱԱՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-18/2-1 | PURCHASE OF PETROL FOR ANAU | 1 | Canceled | 2018-08-07 12:00:00 | |
432 | ՀԱԱՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-18/3 | PURCHASE OF PETROL FOR ANAU | 2 | Failed | 2018-10-10 12:30:00 | |
28 | ՀԱԱՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-18/2-1 | PURCHASE OF PETROL FOR ANAU | 1 | Failed | 2018-08-10 14:00:00 | |
31 | ՍԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-18/13 | Purchase of petrol by EKCHAPDZ-18/13 code for Stepanavan medical center needs for electronic auction | 1 | Failed | 2018-08-13 11:00:00 | |
29 | ՍԲԿ-ԳՀԱՊՁԲ-18/13 | Purchase of petrol by EKCHAPDZ-18/13 code for Stepanavan medical center needs for electronic auction | 1 | Canceled | | |