office products
RA Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports
Procurement Type
Answer and clarification
Publish time
2022-03-25 09:51:31
Bid end time
2022-04-01 12:00:00
Reverse auction
2022-04-04 12:00:00
You can send request before
2022-03-27 12:00:00


Lot numberOccupied placeSubmitted applicationsEstimated priceFirst bidLast bidParticipant status
11Smartline LLC Product full description4200 AMD 3500 AMD20 %4200 AMD3500 AMD20 %4200.00 AMD
31Smartline LLC Product full description1000 AMD 791.67 AMD20 %950 AMD791.67 AMD20 %950.00 AMD
41Smartline LLC Product full description1800 AMD 1475 AMD20 %1770 AMD1475 AMD20 %1770.00 AMD
51Smartline LLC Product full description3000 AMD 2300 AMD20 %2760 AMD2300 AMD20 %2760.00 AMD
61Smartline LLC Product full description4000 AMD 3333.34 AMD20 %4000 AMD3333.34 AMD20 %4000.00 AMD
71Smartline LLC Product full description1200 AMD 975 AMD20 %1170 AMD975 AMD20 %1170.00 AMD
81Smartline LLC Product full description500 AMD 1666.67 AMD20 %2000 AMD1666.67 AMD20 %2000.00 AMDRejected
91Smartline LLC Product full description1700 AMD 1916.67 AMD20 %2300 AMD1916.67 AMD20 %2300.00 AMDRejected
111Smartline LLC Product full description2000 AMD 3333.34 AMD20 %4000 AMD3333.34 AMD20 %4000.00 AMDRejected
121Smartline LLC Product full description2800 AMD 3333.34 AMD20 %4000 AMD3333.34 AMD20 %4000.00 AMDRejected
131Smartline LLC Product full description900 AMD 1125 AMD20 %1350 AMD1125 AMD20 %1350.00 AMDRejected
141Smartline LLC Product full description1350 AMD 2500 AMD20 %3000 AMD2500 AMD20 %3000.00 AMDRejected
151Smartline LLC Product full description3200 AMD 3200 AMD20 %3840 AMD3200 AMD20 %3840.00 AMDRejected
171Smartline LLC Product full description6000 AMD 7500 AMD20 %9000 AMD7500 AMD20 %9000.00 AMDRejected
181Smartline LLC Product full description4500 AMD 8333.34 AMD20 %10000 AMD8333.34 AMD20 %10000.00 AMDRejected
191Smartline LLC Product full description4000 AMD 6666.67 AMD20 %8000 AMD6666.67 AMD20 %8000.00 AMDRejected
201Smartline LLC Product full description1300 AMD 1333.34 AMD20 %1600 AMD1333.34 AMD20 %1600.00 AMDRejected
211Smartline LLC Product full description6000 AMD 7333.34 AMD20 %8800 AMD7333.34 AMD20 %8800.00 AMDRejected
221Smartline LLC Product full description250 AMD 166.67 AMD20 %200 AMD166.67 AMD20 %200.00 AMD
251Smartline LLC Product full description1900 AMD 2083.34 AMD20 %2500 AMD2083.34 AMD20 %2500.00 AMDRejected
261Smartline LLC Product full description2600 AMD 2500 AMD20 %3000 AMD2500 AMD20 %3000.00 AMDRejected
271Smartline LLC Product full description900 AMD 1666.67 AMD20 %2000 AMD1666.67 AMD20 %2000.00 AMDRejected


Lot number CPV Title Bids