CJSC MTBK Procuroment of Medical Supplies 25/9
Meghri Regional Medical Center CJSC
Procurement Type
Answer and clarification
Publish time
2024-12-11 16:23:31
Bid end time
2024-12-23 11:00:00
Reverse auction
2024-12-24 11:00:00
You can send request before
2024-12-18 11:00:00


Lot numberOccupied placeSubmitted applicationsEstimated priceFirst bidLast bidParticipant status
51Natali Pharm Product full description136500 AMD 132000 AMD0 %132000 AMD132000 AMD0 %132000.00 AMDRejected
52Levon yev Lamara degatun LLC Product full description136500 AMD 150000 AMD20 %180000 AMD150000 AMD20 %180000.00 AMDRejected
61Natali Pharm Product full description10000 AMD 8360 AMD0 %8360 AMD8360 AMD0 %8360.00 AMD
81"S.A.V. GROUP" LLC Product full description84350 AMD 70291 AMD20 %84349.2 AMD70291 AMD20 %84349.20 AMD
91Natali Pharm Product full description20200 AMD 19600 AMD0 %19600 AMD19600 AMD0 %19600.00 AMDRejected
92"S.A.V. GROUP" LLC Product full description20200 AMD 20200 AMD0 %20200 AMD20200 AMD0 %20200.00 AMDRejected
101Natali Pharm Product full description29700 AMD 29400 AMD0 %29400 AMD29400 AMD0 %29400.00 AMDRejected
102"S.A.V. GROUP" LLC Product full description29700 AMD 29700 AMD0 %29700 AMD29700 AMD0 %29700.00 AMDRejected
103Levon yev Lamara degatun LLC Product full description29700 AMD 45000 AMD0 %45000 AMD45000 AMD0 %45000.00 AMDRejected
111Natali Pharm Product full description29700 AMD 29400 AMD0 %29400 AMD29400 AMD0 %29400.00 AMDRejected
112"S.A.V. GROUP" LLC Product full description29700 AMD 29700 AMD0 %29700 AMD29700 AMD0 %29700.00 AMDRejected
113Levon yev Lamara degatun LLC Product full description29700 AMD 45000 AMD0 %45000 AMD45000 AMD0 %45000.00 AMDRejected
121Natali Pharm Product full description29700 AMD 29400 AMD0 %29400 AMD29400 AMD0 %29400.00 AMDRejected
122"S.A.V. GROUP" LLC Product full description29700 AMD 29700 AMD0 %29700 AMD29700 AMD0 %29700.00 AMDRejected
123Levon yev Lamara degatun LLC Product full description29700 AMD 45000 AMD0 %45000 AMD45000 AMD0 %45000.00 AMDRejected
131"S.A.V. GROUP" LLC Product full description450000 AMD 375000 AMD20 %450000 AMD375000 AMD20 %450000.00 AMDRejected
132Levon yev Lamara degatun LLC Product full description450000 AMD 562500 AMD20 %675000 AMD562500 AMD20 %675000.00 AMDRejected
151Natali Pharm Product full description51200 AMD 51000 AMD0 %51000 AMD51000 AMD0 %51000.00 AMDRejected
152Levon yev Lamara degatun LLC Product full description51200 AMD 80000 AMD0 %80000 AMD80000 AMD0 %80000.00 AMDRejected
161Natali Pharm Product full description76700 AMD 78750 AMD0 %78750 AMD78750 AMD0 %78750.00 AMDRejected
162Levon yev Lamara degatun LLC Product full description76700 AMD 135000 AMD0 %135000 AMD135000 AMD0 %135000.00 AMDRejected
231Levon yev Lamara degatun LLC Product full description19700 AMD 18000 AMD20 %21600 AMD18000 AMD20 %21600.00 AMDRejected
251Խաչպար ՍՊԸ Product full description5800 AMD 5520 AMD0 %5520 AMD5520 AMD0 %5520.00 AMDRejected
252Levon yev Lamara degatun LLC Product full description5800 AMD 6000 AMD20 %7200 AMD6000 AMD20 %7200.00 AMDRejected
261Խաչպար ՍՊԸ Product full description5800 AMD 5520 AMD0 %5520 AMD5520 AMD0 %5520.00 AMDRejected
262Levon yev Lamara degatun LLC Product full description5800 AMD 6000 AMD20 %7200 AMD6000 AMD20 %7200.00 AMDRejected
271Խաչպար ՍՊԸ Product full description5800 AMD 5520 AMD0 %5520 AMD5520 AMD0 %5520.00 AMDRejected
272Levon yev Lamara degatun LLC Product full description5800 AMD 6000 AMD20 %7200 AMD6000 AMD20 %7200.00 AMDRejected
281Խաչպար ՍՊԸ Product full description5800 AMD 5520 AMD0 %5520 AMD5520 AMD0 %5520.00 AMDRejected
282Levon yev Lamara degatun LLC Product full description5800 AMD 6000 AMD20 %7200 AMD6000 AMD20 %7200.00 AMDRejected
291Խաչպար ՍՊԸ Product full description5200 AMD 5520 AMD0 %5520 AMD5520 AMD0 %5520.00 AMDRejected


Lot number CPV Title Bids