Announcement about the procedure that is declared under the code of ՆՍԾՏԻԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/35 for the purchase of the needs of ““NORK” Social Services Technology and Awareness Centre” FUND
““NORK” Social Services Technology and Awareness Centre” FUND
Procurement Type
Answer and clarification
Publish time
2022-11-02 16:44:26
Bid end time
2022-11-14 10:30:00
Reverse auction
2022-11-15 10:30:00
You can send request before
2022-11-09 10:30:00


Lot numberOccupied placeSubmitted applicationsEstimated priceFirst bidLast bidParticipant status
21«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description130000 AMD 105000 AMD20 %126000 AMD105000 AMD20 %126000.00 AMD
31«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description14000 AMD 11000 AMD20 %13200 AMD11000 AMD20 %13200.00 AMD
41«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description672000 AMD 540000 AMD20 %648000 AMD540000 AMD20 %648000.00 AMD
51«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description186000 AMD 150000 AMD20 %180000 AMD150000 AMD20 %180000.00 AMD
61«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description30000 AMD 24000 AMD20 %28800 AMD24000 AMD20 %28800.00 AMD
101«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description24000 AMD 19500 AMD20 %23400 AMD19500 AMD20 %23400.00 AMD
111«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description27000 AMD 21750 AMD20 %26100 AMD21750 AMD20 %26100.00 AMD
121«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description60000 AMD 49000 AMD20 %58800 AMD49000 AMD20 %58800.00 AMD
151«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description15000 AMD 12250 AMD20 %14700 AMD12250 AMD20 %14700.00 AMD
201«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description7500 AMD 6125 AMD20 %7350 AMD6125 AMD20 %7350.00 AMD
211«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description20000 AMD 16500 AMD20 %19800 AMD16500 AMD20 %19800.00 AMD
221Movsessian LLC Product full description50000 AMD 50000 AMD0 %50000 AMD49500 AMD0 %49500.00 AMDRejected
222Seryan Balasyan Arturi IE Product full description50000 AMD 55000 AMD0 %55000 AMD55000 AMD0 %55000.00 AMDRejected
223«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description50000 AMD 57500 AMD20 %69000 AMD57500 AMD20 %69000.00 AMDRejected
231«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description75000 AMD 61875 AMD20 %74250 AMD61875 AMD20 %74250.00 AMD
241«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description16000 AMD 13000 AMD20 %15600 AMD13000 AMD20 %15600.00 AMD
251Microring LLC Product full description120000 AMD 100000 AMD20 %120000 AMD96000 AMD20 %115200.00 AMDRejected
252Movsessian LLC Product full description120000 AMD 120000 AMD0 %120000 AMD97000 AMD0 %97000.00 AMD
253Seryan Balasyan Arturi IE Product full description120000 AMD 120000 AMD0 %120000 AMD120000 AMD0 %120000.00 AMD
254«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description120000 AMD 135000 AMD20 %162000 AMD135000 AMD20 %162000.00 AMDRejected
261«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description90000 AMD 74250 AMD20 %89100 AMD74250 AMD20 %89100.00 AMD
271«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description50000 AMD 825000 AMD20 %990000 AMD825000 AMD20 %990000.00 AMDRejected
281«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description10000 AMD 8000 AMD20 %9600 AMD8000 AMD20 %9600.00 AMD
291«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description990000 AMD 800000 AMD20 %960000 AMD800000 AMD20 %960000.00 AMD
301Movsessian LLC Product full description60000 AMD 60000 AMD0 %60000 AMD59400 AMD0 %59400.00 AMDRejected
302«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description60000 AMD 65000 AMD20 %78000 AMD65000 AMD20 %78000.00 AMDRejected
303Seryan Balasyan Arturi IE Product full description60000 AMD 65000 AMD0 %65000 AMD65000 AMD0 %65000.00 AMDRejected
311Movsessian LLC Product full description20000 AMD 20000 AMD0 %20000 AMD19800 AMD0 %19800.00 AMDRejected
312Seryan Balasyan Arturi IE Product full description20000 AMD 20000 AMD0 %20000 AMD20000 AMD0 %20000.00 AMD
313«PATRON RM» LLC Product full description20000 AMD 24000 AMD20 %28800 AMD24000 AMD20 %28800.00 AMDRejected
321Seryan Balasyan Arturi IE Product full description35000 AMD 35000 AMD0 %35000 AMD35000 AMD0 %35000.00 AMD
331Seryan Balasyan Arturi IE Product full description45000 AMD 45000 AMD0 %45000 AMD45000 AMD0 %45000.00 AMD
341Seryan Balasyan Arturi IE Product full description160000 AMD 160000 AMD0 %160000 AMD160000 AMD0 %160000.00 AMD


Lot number CPV Title Bids
22 30237460/1 Ստեղնաշար USB
Movsessian LLC 49500 AMD 2022-11-15 11:01:41
25 30236110/1 Օպերատիվ հիշողություն DDR4 8GB
Movsessian LLC 99000 AMD 2022-11-15 11:31:41
Microring LLC 98000 AMD 2022-11-15 11:34:10
Movsessian LLC 97000 AMD 2022-11-15 11:38:52
Microring LLC 96000 AMD 2022-11-15 11:40:55
30 30237411/1 Մկնիկ USB
Movsessian LLC 59400 AMD 2022-11-15 12:02:36
31 30237411/2 Ստեղնաշար+մկնիկ անլար
Movsessian LLC 19800 AMD 2022-11-15 12:03:42