Purchase of office supplies for needs of the YSULS after V. Brusov Foundation
YSULS after V. Brusov Foundation
Procurement Type
Answer and clarification
Publish time
2022-03-21 15:29:56
Bid end time
2022-03-28 15:45:00
Reverse auction
2022-03-29 15:45:00
You can send request before
2022-03-23 15:45:00


Lot numberOccupied placeSubmitted applicationsEstimated priceFirst bidLast bidParticipant status
11Smartline LLC Product full description1472000 AMD 1813333.34 AMD20 %2176000 AMD1813333.34 AMD20 %2176000.00 AMDRejected
51Smartline LLC Product full description72000 AMD 50000 AMD20 %60000 AMD50000 AMD20 %60000.00 AMD
52KANCOPT LLC Product full description72000 AMD 55000 AMD20 %66000 AMD55000 AMD20 %66000.00 AMD
61KANCOPT LLC Product full description18000 AMD 9400 AMD20 %11280 AMD9300 AMD20 %11160.00 AMD
62Smartline LLC Product full description18000 AMD 13333.34 AMD20 %16000 AMD13333.34 AMD20 %16000.00 AMD
71Smartline LLC Product full description12000 AMD 7333.34 AMD20 %8800 AMD7333.34 AMD20 %8800.00 AMD
81KANCOPT LLC Product full description15000 AMD 15000 AMD20 %18000 AMD14850 AMD20 %17820.00 AMDRejected
82Smartline LLC Product full description15000 AMD 18750 AMD20 %22500 AMD18750 AMD20 %22500.00 AMDRejected
91Smartline LLC Product full description10000 AMD 10416.67 AMD20 %12500 AMD10416.67 AMD20 %12500.00 AMDRejected
101Smartline LLC Product full description56000 AMD 35000 AMD20 %42000 AMD35000 AMD20 %42000.00 AMD
102KANCOPT LLC Product full description56000 AMD 64500 AMD20 %77400 AMD64500 AMD20 %77400.00 AMDRejected
111Smartline LLC Product full description8000 AMD 5000 AMD20 %6000 AMD5000 AMD20 %6000.00 AMD
112KANCOPT LLC Product full description8000 AMD 9200 AMD20 %11040 AMD9200 AMD20 %11040.00 AMDRejected
121Smartline LLC Product full description6400 AMD 4000 AMD20 %4800 AMD4000 AMD20 %4800.00 AMD
122KANCOPT LLC Product full description6400 AMD 7350 AMD20 %8820 AMD7350 AMD20 %8820.00 AMDRejected
131KANCOPT LLC Product full description7500 AMD 3500 AMD20 %4200 AMD3500 AMD20 %4200.00 AMD
141KANCOPT LLC Product full description10000 AMD 3200 AMD20 %3840 AMD3200 AMD20 %3840.00 AMD
142Smartline LLC Product full description10000 AMD 5833.34 AMD20 %7000 AMD5833.34 AMD20 %7000.00 AMD
151KANCOPT LLC Product full description10000 AMD 21250 AMD20 %25500 AMD21250 AMD20 %25500.00 AMDRejected
152Smartline LLC Product full description10000 AMD 65833.34 AMD20 %79000 AMD65833.34 AMD20 %79000.00 AMDRejected
171Yason SP@ Product full description102000 AMD 118500 AMD20 %142200 AMD118500 AMD20 %142200.00 AMDRejected
172KANCOPT LLC Product full description102000 AMD 127500 AMD20 %153000 AMD127500 AMD20 %153000.00 AMDRejected
181Smartline LLC Product full description82500 AMD 297916.67 AMD20 %357500 AMD297916.67 AMD20 %357500.00 AMDRejected
191Smartline LLC Product full description5000 AMD 4666.67 AMD20 %5600 AMD4666.67 AMD20 %5600.00 AMDRejected
201Smartline LLC Product full description1800 AMD 1500 AMD20 %1800 AMD1500 AMD20 %1800.00 AMD
202KANCOPT LLC Product full description1800 AMD 1700 AMD20 %2040 AMD1700 AMD20 %2040.00 AMDRejected
211KANCOPT LLC Product full description20000 AMD 13500 AMD20 %16200 AMD13500 AMD20 %16200.00 AMD
212Smartline LLC Product full description20000 AMD 16666.67 AMD20 %20000 AMD16666.67 AMD20 %20000.00 AMD
221KANCOPT LLC Product full description33000 AMD 16250 AMD20 %19500 AMD16250 AMD20 %19500.00 AMD
222Smartline LLC Product full description33000 AMD 25000 AMD20 %30000 AMD25000 AMD20 %30000.00 AMD
231Smartline LLC Product full description3600 AMD 4166.67 AMD20 %5000 AMD4166.67 AMD20 %5000.00 AMDRejected
232KANCOPT LLC Product full description3600 AMD 6000 AMD20 %7200 AMD6000 AMD20 %7200.00 AMDRejected
241Smartline LLC Product full description5000 AMD 5416.67 AMD20 %6500 AMD5416.67 AMD20 %6500.00 AMDRejected
251Smartline LLC Product full description12000 AMD 10000 AMD20 %12000 AMD10000 AMD20 %12000.00 AMD
261Smartline LLC Product full description18000 AMD 15000 AMD20 %18000 AMD15000 AMD20 %18000.00 AMD
271Smartline LLC Product full description12000 AMD 12000 AMD20 %14400 AMD12000 AMD20 %14400.00 AMDRejected
281KANCOPT LLC Product full description36000 AMD 33000 AMD20 %39600 AMD33000 AMD20 %39600.00 AMDRejected
282Smartline LLC Product full description36000 AMD 50000 AMD20 %60000 AMD50000 AMD20 %60000.00 AMDRejected
291Smartline LLC Product full description11000 AMD 8333.34 AMD20 %10000 AMD8333.34 AMD20 %10000.00 AMD
292KANCOPT LLC Product full description11000 AMD 15400 AMD20 %18480 AMD15400 AMD20 %18480.00 AMDRejected
301KANCOPT LLC Product full description24000 AMD 10800 AMD20 %12960 AMD10800 AMD20 %12960.00 AMD
302Smartline LLC Product full description24000 AMD 16666.67 AMD20 %20000 AMD16666.67 AMD20 %20000.00 AMD
331Smartline LLC Product full description13000 AMD 25000 AMD20 %30000 AMD25000 AMD20 %30000.00 AMDRejected
341Smartline LLC Product full description3600 AMD 12500 AMD20 %15000 AMD12500 AMD20 %15000.00 AMDRejected
351Smartline LLC Product full description3600 AMD 10000 AMD20 %12000 AMD10000 AMD20 %12000.00 AMDRejected
361Smartline LLC Product full description31200 AMD 26666.67 AMD20 %32000 AMD26666.67 AMD20 %32000.00 AMDRejected
391Smartline LLC Product full description1800 AMD 1333.34 AMD20 %1600 AMD1333.34 AMD20 %1600.00 AMD
401Smartline LLC Product full description36000 AMD 33333.34 AMD20 %40000 AMD33333.34 AMD20 %40000.00 AMDRejected
421Smartline LLC Product full description180000 AMD 133333.34 AMD20 %160000 AMD133333.34 AMD20 %160000.00 AMD
441Smartline LLC Product full description18000 AMD 12500 AMD20 %15000 AMD12500 AMD20 %15000.00 AMD
451Smartline LLC Product full description10000 AMD 5000 AMD20 %6000 AMD5000 AMD20 %6000.00 AMD


Lot number CPV Title Bids
6 30199232/1 նամակի ծրար, A4 ձ―աչափի
KANCOPT LLC 9300 AMD 2022-03-29 15:46:33
8 30199280/1 հատուկ Ա6 ծրար
KANCOPT LLC 14850 AMD 2022-03-29 15:46:46