Acquisition of building materials and goods for the needs of the Talin community
Թալինի համայնքապետարան
Procurement Type
Answer and clarification
Publish time
2023-09-12 15:51:52
Bid end time
2023-09-22 16:00:00
Reverse auction
2023-09-25 16:00:00
You can send request before
2023-09-17 16:00:00


Lot numberOccupied placeSubmitted applicationsEstimated priceFirst bidLast bidParticipant status
11«GAR GRIG» LLC Product full description260000 AMD 208333 AMD20 %249999.6 AMD208333 AMD20 %249999.60 AMD
12Էդմոնդ Հովհաննիսյան Վահեի Product full description260000 AMD 261000 AMD0 %261000 AMD261000 AMD0 %261000.00 AMDRejected
13ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description260000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
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21«GAR GRIG» LLC Product full description640000 AMD 53333 AMD20 %63999.6 AMD53333 AMD20 %63999.60 AMDRejected
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24"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description640000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
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62"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description30000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
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72"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description74000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
81ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description115000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
82"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description115000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
91«GAR GRIG» LLC Product full description520000 AMD 458333 AMD20 %549999.6 AMD458333 AMD20 %549999.60 AMDRejected
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93"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description520000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
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102"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description35000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
111Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ Product full description28500 AMD 23750 AMD20 %28500 AMD23750 AMD20 %28500.00 AMD
112ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description28500 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
113"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description28500 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
121ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description9600 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
122"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description9600 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
131Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ Product full description114000 AMD 95000 AMD20 %114000 AMD85000 AMD20 %102000.00 AMD
132«GAR GRIG» LLC Product full description114000 AMD 86000 AMD20 %103200 AMD86000 AMD20 %103200.00 AMD
133ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description114000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
134"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description114000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
141Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ Product full description75000 AMD 62500 AMD20 %75000 AMD57749 AMD20 %69298.80 AMD
142«GAR GRIG» LLC Product full description75000 AMD 58333 AMD20 %69999.6 AMD58333 AMD20 %69999.60 AMD
143ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description75000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
144"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description75000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
151Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ Product full description15000 AMD 12500 AMD20 %15000 AMD12500 AMD20 %15000.00 AMD
152ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description15000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
153"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description15000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
161ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description12000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
162"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description12000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
171«ԱՐՄ ՀԱԿ» ՍՊԸ Product full description2500 AMD 20000000 AMD20 %24000000 AMD20000000 AMD20 %24000000.00 AMDRejected
172ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description2500 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
173"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description2500 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
181«ԱՐՄ ՀԱԿ» ՍՊԸ Product full description382500 AMD 20000000 AMD20 %24000000 AMD247500 AMD20 %297000.00 AMD
182NEWPLAST CJSC Product full description382500 AMD 302800 AMD20 %363360 AMD260000 AMD20 %312000.00 AMD
183Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ Product full description382500 AMD 318750 AMD20 %382500 AMD281388 AMD20 %337665.60 AMD
184«GAR GRIG» LLC Product full description382500 AMD 312500 AMD20 %375000 AMD312500 AMD20 %375000.00 AMD
185ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description382500 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
186"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description382500 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
191NEWPLAST CJSC Product full description943500 AMD 746900 AMD20 %896280 AMD644700 AMD20 %773640.00 AMD
192Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ Product full description943500 AMD 786250 AMD20 %943500 AMD694000 AMD20 %832800.00 AMD
193«ԱՐՄ ՀԱԿ» ՍՊԸ Product full description943500 AMD 20000000 AMD20 %24000000 AMD731531 AMD20 %877837.20 AMD
194«GAR GRIG» LLC Product full description943500 AMD 1045250 AMD20 %1254300 AMD1045250 AMD20 %1254300.00 AMDRejected
195ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description943500 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
196"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description943500 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
201ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description22000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
202"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description22000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
211Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ Product full description2850 AMD 2375 AMD20 %2850 AMD2375 AMD20 %2850.00 AMD
212ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description2850 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
213"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description2850 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
221ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description23000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
222"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description23000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
231Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ Product full description43200 AMD 36000 AMD20 %43200 AMD36000 AMD20 %43200.00 AMD
232ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description43200 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
233"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description43200 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
241ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description18000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
242"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description18000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
251«GAR GRIG» LLC Product full description23400 AMD 18333 AMD20 %21999.6 AMD18333 AMD20 %21999.60 AMD
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253"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description23400 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
261Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ Product full description62720 AMD 52266.67 AMD20 %62720 AMD49000 AMD20 %58800.00 AMD
262«GAR GRIG» LLC Product full description62720 AMD 50400 AMD20 %60480 AMD50400 AMD20 %60480.00 AMD
263ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description62720 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
264"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description62720 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
271ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description5000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
272"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description5000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
281Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ Product full description57000 AMD 47500 AMD20 %57000 AMD45787 AMD20 %54944.40 AMD
282«GAR GRIG» LLC Product full description57000 AMD 46250 AMD20 %55500 AMD46250 AMD20 %55500.00 AMD
283ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description57000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
284"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description57000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
291ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description15000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
292"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description15000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
301Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ Product full description80000 AMD 66666.67 AMD20 %80000 AMD47000 AMD20 %56400.00 AMD
302«GAR GRIG» LLC Product full description80000 AMD 47500 AMD20 %57000 AMD47500 AMD20 %57000.00 AMD
303ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description80000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
304"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description80000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected
311Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ Product full description45000 AMD 37500 AMD20 %45000 AMD32900 AMD20 %39480.00 AMD
312«GAR GRIG» LLC Product full description45000 AMD 33333 AMD20 %39999.6 AMD33333 AMD20 %39999.60 AMD
313ԴՈՆԵՌ ՍՊԸ Product full description45000 AMD 24999999 AMD20 %29999998.8 AMD24999999 AMD20 %29999998.80 AMDRejected
314"GAG-MARK BROTHERS" LLC Product full description45000 AMD 50000000 AMD20 %60000000 AMD50000000 AMD20 %60000000.00 AMDRejected


Lot number CPV Title Bids
13 44118300/2 թիթեղ` մետաղական
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 85000 AMD 2023-09-26 09:31:00
14 44521170/1 կողպեքներ
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 57749 AMD 2023-09-26 09:32:06
18 44161130/7 ջրատար խողովակաշարեր
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 299772 AMD 2023-09-26 09:34:32
NEWPLAST CJSC 296744 AMD 2023-09-26 09:38:59
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 293500 AMD 2023-09-26 09:40:04
NEWPLAST CJSC 290472 AMD 2023-09-26 09:44:46
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 287444 AMD 2023-09-26 09:48:08
NEWPLAST CJSC 284416 AMD 2023-09-26 09:52:26
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 281388 AMD 2023-09-26 09:54:17
«ԱՐՄ ՀԱԿ» ՍՊԸ 278360 AMD 2023-09-26 09:58:17
NEWPLAST CJSC 275332 AMD 2023-09-26 09:58:54
«ԱՐՄ ՀԱԿ» ՍՊԸ 272000 AMD 2023-09-26 09:59:55
NEWPLAST CJSC 260000 AMD 2023-09-26 09:59:58
«ԱՐՄ ՀԱԿ» ՍՊԸ 247500 AMD 2023-09-26 09:59:59
19 44161130/8 ջրատար խողովակաշարեր
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 739000 AMD 2023-09-26 10:01:30
«ԱՐՄ ՀԱԿ» ՍՊԸ 731531 AMD 2023-09-26 10:03:15
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 724000 AMD 2023-09-26 10:05:35
NEWPLAST CJSC 716531 AMD 2023-09-26 10:10:32
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 709000 AMD 2023-09-26 10:14:41
NEWPLAST CJSC 701531 AMD 2023-09-26 10:19:37
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 694000 AMD 2023-09-26 10:23:15
NEWPLAST CJSC 686531 AMD 2023-09-26 10:28:08
NEWPLAST CJSC 644700 AMD 2023-09-26 10:29:56
26 44163200/2 խողովակների միացման մասեր
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 49000 AMD 2023-09-26 10:30:50
28 44163200/3 խողովակների միացման մասեր
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 45787 AMD 2023-09-26 10:31:25
30 44211610/2 անկյուններ
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 47000 AMD 2023-09-26 10:31:54
31 14521171/2 հղկաքար
Մեծ Ծիածան ՍՊԸ 32900 AMD 2023-09-26 11:00:21