22832 | ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/73 | computer equipment | 6 | Finished | 2023-04-04 09:00:00 | |
22831 | ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-23/53 | archival services | 1 | Finished | 2023-04-03 09:00:00 | |
22830 | ՀԾԿՀ-23/13-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ | Announsement for computer and copying equipment and auxiliary materials acquisition with ՀԾԿՀ-23/13-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ code for needs of Public Services Regulatory Commission of the RA | 1 | Failed | 2023-03-31 14:30:00 | |
22829 | ՍԴ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-21/03/23-ՏԽ | Invitation to purchase administrative equipment (machinery) for the needs of the Constitutional Court | 4 | Finished | 2023-03-31 14:00:00 | |
22828 | ՀՀ ԱՄ ԹՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/33 | Acquisition of regular gasoline for the needs of Tallinn municipality | 1 | Failed | 2023-03-31 15:00:00 | |
22827 | ԵՊՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/38 | Acquisition of chemicals and medicines for the needs of the YSU Foundation | 92 | Finished | 2023-04-03 11:00:00 | |
22826 | ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/71 | Electronic auction procedure announcement | 34 | Finished | 2023-03-31 12:30:00 | |
22825 | ՀՀ Ո ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-ՏՄ2023 | items for vehicles | 9 | Failed | 2023-03-31 12:15:00 | |
22823 | ՀՀ-ՊԵԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/6-Ք | devices that read magnetic cards | 1 | Finished | 2023-04-05 10:00:00 | |
22822 | ԱԲՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/12 | Household goods | 45 | Finished | 2023-03-31 11:00:00 | |
22821 | ՀՀ-ՊԵԿ-ԷԱՃԱՇՁԲ-23/23-Ա | printing works | 16 | Failed | 2023-04-03 10:00:00 | |
22820 | ԳԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/1 | Acquisition of computer equipment and other products for the needs of Geocosmos CJSC | 21 | Finished | 2023-04-03 11:00:00 | |
22819 | ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-23/54 | Announcement on procurement of Providing services for needs of the Yerevan municipality | 6 | Finished | 2023-03-31 14:30:00 | |
22818 | ՀԱՊՀ-ԷԱԱՊՁԲ-23/4 | E-auction announcement NOTICE ON PRICE QUOTATION Code of the price quotation NPUA-ЕАAPDzB-23/4 | 3 | Finished | 2023-03-31 09:00:00 | |
22816 | ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/74 | property | 3 | Finished | 2023-04-04 10:00:00 | |
22815 | ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/75 | economic goods | 53 | Finished | 2023-04-05 09:00:00 | |
22814 | ՀՀ Ո ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-2023/ՌԴՑ | services | 1 | Finished | 2023-04-04 15:30:00 | |
22813 | ՀՀ Ո ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2023-ԳԱԲ/ՀՈՒՇ/Ա-41 | Acquisition of souvenir televisions for the needs of the RA police | 1 | Finished | 2023-03-31 10:00:00 | |
22812 | ԵՊՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/42 | Acquisition of diesel fuel for the needs of the YSU Foundation car park | 2 | Finished | 2023-03-30 15:00:00 | |
22811 | ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/23 | Purchase of welding consumables for the needs of Jrar CJSC under the electronic auction procedure under the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAODzB-23/23 | 3 | Finished | 2023-03-30 12:30:00 | |
22810 | ՀՀ ԱԺ ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-23/5 | Acquisition of Internet backup connection services for the needs of the RA National Assembly | 1 | Finished | 2023-03-30 11:30:00 | |
22809 | ՀՀ ԱԺ ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/21 | Acquisition of fire extinguishers for the needs of the RA National Assembly. | 2 | Finished | 2023-03-30 12:00:00 | |
22808 | ՀՀ ԱԺ ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/20 | Acquisition of drinking water (natural drinking water from a spring, in a container) for the needs of the RA National Assembly | 1 | Finished | 2023-03-30 11:00:00 | |
22807 | ԳՊՀ-ԷԱՃ-ԱՊՁԲ-23/05 | computer equipment and support materials | 36 | Finished | 2023-03-29 09:30:00 | |
22806 | ՎՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/4 | Announcement and invitation to an electronic auction for the purchase of a multifunctional printer,hard drives and a vacuum cleaner for the needs of the municipality of Vaika with the code VH-EACHAPDZB-23/4 | 3 | Finished | 2023-03-31 11:00:00 | |
22805 | ԿՇՄՊ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/14 | Announcement about the procedure that is declared under the code of ԿՇՄՊ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/14 for the purchase of the needs of Gardening and Environmental Protection” CNCO | 78 | Finished | 2023-03-28 10:00:00 | |
22804 | ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/69 | office supplies | 1 | Finished | 2023-04-03 10:00:00 | |
22803 | ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/68 | table-stools | 1 | Finished | 2023-03-31 10:00:00 | |
22802 | ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2023/16-11-ԵՊԲՀ | Purchase of medical equipment, medical supplies and medical instruments for YSMU | 68 | Finished | 2023-03-30 09:15:00 | |
22801 | ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՇՁԲ-23/6 | printing works | 2 | Finished | 2023-03-28 10:00:00 | |