Lots count
end bid time
15688ՄԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/01Fuel acquisition1Finished2021-12-10 14:00:00
15687ՎՊՀ ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ 22/1transport services7Finished2021-12-10 09:00:00
15686ՊԵԿ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/095Server systems services1Failed2021-12-10 12:00:00
15684ՀՀ Ո ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23-ՀԱՄԱԿԱՐԳԻՉ-2022/ԿՏՏՎPurchase of goods for the needs of the RA Police3Finished2021-12-14 10:00:00
15683ՎԱԲՏ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/5The contracting authority Office of the Prime Minister of the Republiq af Armenia gives notice for laboratory materials և devices (Code ՎԱԲՏ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/5)15Finished2021-12-10 10:00:00
15682ՄՍԾ ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/5medical clothing and mask3Finished2021-12-10 11:30:00
15680ՀՀ Ո ԷԱՃԱՇՁԲ-2022-ՃՈ/ՀԱՄԱՐ-19For needs of Police RA works1Finished2021-12-20 10:00:00
15679ԲԷՑ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-21/75Purchase of bins and alcohol2Finished2021-12-10 10:00:00
15678ՀՆԱ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/11lawn mower1Finished2021-12-10 11:15:00
15677ՀՀՔԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-Թ-22/1Purchasing paper for the needs of the RA Investigative Committee1Failed2021-12-10 10:00:00
15676ՀՆԱ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/08textile cleaning services3Failed2021-12-10 10:45:00
15675ՀԱԱՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/4Announcement about the procedure that is declared under the code of ՀԱԱՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/4 for the purchase of the needs of “Armenian National Agrarian University” FUND3Finished2021-12-09 15:45:00
15674ՊԵԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-21/094Stationery goods14Failed2021-12-10 10:00:00
15673ՀՆԱ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/02tires and batteries6Finished2021-12-10 10:30:00
15672ԿՈՏ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/3NOTICE ON PRICE QUOTATION6Finished2021-12-09 15:30:00
15671ՀՆԱ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/15drinking water and disposable cups2Award2021-12-10 10:15:00
15669ՀՆԱ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/01fuel2Finished2021-12-10 10:00:00
15667ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/11Request for quotations for the purchase of fuel (gasoline, Regular) for the needs of the ATP with the code ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/111Finished2021-12-09 14:30:00
15666ՀՀ ՎԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2022/10Announcement Invitation of petrol for the needs of the RA Statistical Committee1Finished2021-12-09 15:00:00
15665ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/22Electronic auction for the purchase of office supplies for the needs of ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/229Finished2021-12-09 14:00:00
15663ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/8Request for quotations for the purchase of household goods for the needs of HՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/82Finished2021-12-09 12:45:00
15661ՄՍԾ ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/4stationery items36Finished2021-12-10 10:15:00
15660ՀՀ ԷՆ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-21/112Procurement of Purchase of Goods for needs of the Ministry of Economy of RA9Finished2021-12-09 14:30:00
15659ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/20Запрос цен на приобретение канцелярских товаров для нужд с кодом ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/201Failed2021-12-09 12:15:00
15658ԵՔ-էԱՃԾՁԲ-22/1Procurement of services9Finished2021-12-10 09:30:00
15657ՀՀ ՎԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2022/9Announcement Invitation of petrol for the needs of the RA Statistical Committee1Finished2021-12-09 14:30:00
15656ՊԵԿ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/7With help of e-auction procedure announcement of State revenue committee of RА for Services of integrated automated customs information system introduced in the RA State Revenue Committee. The code of the e-auction procedure ՊԵԿ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/71Canceled2021-12-20 09:30:00
15655ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/18Announcement on procurement of Providing services for needs of the Yerevan municipality9Finished2021-12-15 10:00:00
15653ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/24of foods28Finished2021-12-10 10:00:00
15652ՀԱԷԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-28/21tires5Finished2021-12-09 14:00:00
Total 15723 data Lots 139117
1 2 ... 438 439 440 441 442 ... 524 525