Lots count
end bid time
19394ԴԴ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/36Announcement of procurement procedure organized with ԴԴ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/36 (DD-EACHAPDZB-22/36) code announced for the obtaining of Cars with a sedan body for the needs of Judicial Department of the Republic of Armenia1Failed2022-08-15 10:15:00
19392ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/34Electronic auction for the purchase of office supplies for the needs of ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/346Finished2022-08-15 09:30:00
19390ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/104Car rental2Failed2022-08-15 10:00:00
19389ՎՀ-ՀՍ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/4Announcement and invitation for the purchase of computer equipment under the electronic auction procedure under the code name ՎՀ-ՀՍ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/4 for the needs of the municipality of Vaik1Finished2022-08-18 11:00:00
19388ՀԱԷԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-128/22Purchase of a server, computer equipment, accessories for the needs of CJSC HAEK7Finished2022-08-15 11:00:00
19387ՀԱԷԿ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-7/22Training of the ANPP employees in implementation of maintenance and repair of Unit 2 PORV (ИПУ 2КД)1Finished2022-08-16 14:00:00
19386ՀՀ ԱՄՎՀ ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ 22/7of compressed natural gas1Finished2022-08-18 11:00:00
19385ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/284administrative equipments2Failed2022-08-15 10:00:00
19384ՀՀԱՆ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/53Announcement-ՀՀԱՆ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/531Finished2022-08-15 11:00:00
19383ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/19Purchase of a dump truck for the needs of Jrar CJSC under the electronic auction procedure under the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAPDzB-22/191Failed2022-08-15 12:30:00
19382ԵՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/101Invitation and announcement of the purchase procedure for the purchase of belting fabric for the needs of "Karen Demirchyan Metropolis" CJSC under the code EU-EACHPDB-22/1011Finished2022-08-15 14:30:00
19381ԿՇՄՊ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/21Announcement about the procedure that is declared under the code of ԿՇՄՊ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/21 for the purchase of the needs of Gardening and Environmental Protection” CNCO1Finished2022-08-15 09:00:00
19380ՎԱԲՏ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/28The contracting authority Office of the Prime Minister of the Republiq af Armenia gives notice for a price quotation for household goods և sanitary materials the Code of ՎԱԲՏ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/2811Finished2022-08-17 10:00:00
19378ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/278Purchase of trash cans with ashtrays for streets codenamed EAAPDzB-22/278 for the needs of Yerevan Municipality1Finished2022-08-17 11:00:00
19377ԲՏԱՆ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2022/10Announcement and invitation about the procedure for computer equipment under the code ԲՏԱՆ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2022/10 for the needs of the Ministry of high-tech industry of the Republic of Armenia13Finished2022-08-15 11:00:00
19376ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/273Electronic auction procedure announcement1Finished2022-08-15 09:30:00
19375ԱԲՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/33Air conditioners and refrigerators7Finished2022-08-15 09:00:00
19374ՀՀ ԼՄՍՀ-ԷԱՃ-ԱՊՁԲ-22/21Purchase of a power supply and cable for the needs of the Spitak community2Finished2022-08-15 11:00:00
19373ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/285Electronic auction procedure announcement1Finished2022-08-15 09:15:00
19372ՀԱԱՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/186Announcement about the procedure that is declared under the code of ՀԱԱՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/186 for the purchase of the needs of “Armenian National Agrarian University” FUND1Finished2022-08-15 10:00:00
19371ԱՍՀՆ-ՊՈԱԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/8-Լ-1Lori marz child and family support center SNOC outfit1Finished2022-08-12 16:00:00
19368ՍՄՍՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/9Acquisition of cameras, computer and printer4Finished2022-08-15 11:00:00
19367ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/283cameras2Finished2022-08-12 16:00:00
19366«ՀԱԷԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-126/22»Tools, instrumentation48Failed2022-08-12 14:00:00
19364ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/270Purchase of an excavator loading machine codenamed EQ-EAAPDzB-22/270 for the needs of Yerevan Municipality1Finished2022-08-15 11:00:00
19363ԵՋԷԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/53Announcment1Failed2022-08-12 15:30:00
19362ԵՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/100Invitation and announcement of the purchase procedure for the purchase of goods for the needs of "Karen Demirchyan Metropolite" CJSC under code EU-EACHPZB-22/10016Finished2022-08-12 14:00:00
19361ՀՀ ՖՆ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/11on obtaining computer technique/equipment7Finished2022-08-12 12:00:00
19360ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/33-1Electronic auction for the purchase of household goods for the needs of NGOs under the NGO code-ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/33-18Finished2022-08-12 12:00:00
19359ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/33Electronic auction for the purchase of household goods for the needs of NGOs under the NGO code-ՀԿԱԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/338Finished2022-08-12 16:00:00
Total 19448 data Lots 206856
1 2 ... 451 452 453 454 455 ... 648 649