Announcement and invitation about the procurement procedure under the code HGPA-EAChAPDzB-2025/05 for the purpose of purchasing educational literature for the needs of the state art Academy of Armenia Foundation
Procurement Type
Answer and clarification
Publish time
2025-02-17 11:59:12
Bid end time
2025-02-27 14:00:00
Reverse auction
2025-02-28 14:00:00
You can send request before
2025-02-22 14:00:00
End bid


ID Lot number Lot title The initial auction price Startdate
295341 1 Emotional Intelligence 13390 AMD 2025-02-28 14:00:00
295342 2 Social intelligence AMD Canceled
295343 3 The Intelligence Trap: Revolutionise your Thinking and Make Wiser Decisions 10700 AMD 2025-02-28 14:00:00
295344 4 Thinking, Fast and Slow 7690 AMD 2025-02-28 14:00:00
295345 5 Never Split the Difference. Negotiating as if Your Life Depended on It 9090 AMD 2025-02-28 14:00:00
295346 6 Negotiation 13590 AMD 2025-02-28 14:00:00
295347 7 ոЭмоциональный интеллект в работе AMD Canceled
295348 8 Эмоциональный интеллект. Управлять собой и влиять на других 4300 AMD 2025-02-28 14:00:00
295349 9 Эмоциональный интеллект в бизнесе: решение сложных лидерских задач 8200 AMD 2025-02-28 14:30:00
295350 10 EQ. Эмоциональный интеллект на практике. Как управлять своим 12890 AMD 2025-02-28 14:30:00
295351 11 Power of Your Subconscious Mind 9790 AMD 2025-02-28 14:30:00
295352 12 Money: Know More, Make More, Give More, Rob Moore 15190 AMD 2025-02-28 14:30:00
295353 13 Երրորդ դուռը։ Հաջողության մտածելակերպ, Բանայան Ալեքս 7000 AMD 2025-02-28 14:30:00
295354 14 Бизнес-план, который работает, Барроу Пол 3400 AMD 2025-02-28 14:30:00
295355 15 The Personal MBA, Kaufman Josh 22890 AMD 2025-02-28 15:00:00
295356 16 Խելացի աճ, Ջոնսոն Ուիթնի 5000 AMD 2025-02-28 15:00:00
295357 17 Sustainable Business, Helen Kopnina AMD Canceled
295358 18 Նորարարի երկընտրանքը, Քրիստենսեն Քլեյթոն Մ․ 6990 AMD 2025-02-28 15:00:00
295359 19 The Airbnb Story, Gallagher Leigh AMD Canceled
295360 20 Правила инвестирования Уоррена Баффетта, Миллер Джереми 7790 AMD 2025-02-28 15:00:00
295361 21 Вовлеченные сотрудники. Как создать команду, которая работает с полной отдачей и достигает высоких р 6190 AMD 2025-02-28 15:00:00
295362 22 The Culture Code։ The Secrets of Highly Successful Groups 15190 AMD 2025-02-28 15:00:00
295363 23 Организационная структура: Реализация стратегии на практике 4100 AMD 2025-02-28 15:30:00
295364 24 Система вознаграждения: Как разработать цели и KPI 3400 AMD 2025-02-28 15:30:00
295365 25 Канбан и точно вовремя на Toyota: Менеджмент начинается на рабочем месте 5400 AMD 2025-02-28 15:30:00
295366 26 Цель. Процесс непрерывного улучшения 7400 AMD 2025-02-28 15:30:00
295367 27 Если спешишь, не торопись. А если очень спешишь, иди в обход 4400 AMD 2025-02-28 15:30:00
295368 28 Умение предвидеть. Чему я научился за 15 лет на посту главы Walt Disney 3500 AMD 2025-02-28 15:30:00
295369 29 HR как он есть. 3-е издание 4900 AMD 2025-02-28 16:00:00
295370 30 Управление изменениями без потрясений и конфликтов 6700 AMD 2025-02-28 16:00:00
295371 31 Стили менеджмента - эффективные и неэффективные 5800 AMD 2025-02-28 16:00:00
295372 32 Корпорация гениев: Как управлять командой творческих людей 5700 AMD 2025-02-28 16:00:00
295373 33 The Art of Social Media, Kawasaki G 15090 AMD 2025-02-28 16:00:00
295374 34 Մեդիան և տեղեկատվությունը XXI դարի պատերազմներում 3350 AMD 2025-02-28 16:00:00
295375 35 Creativity AMD Canceled
295376 36 Thinking and Deciding 5th Edition AMD Canceled
295377 37 Problem Solving in Organizations: A Methodological Handbook for Business and Management Students 3rd Edition AMD Canceled
295378 38 Cognition; Daniel T. Willingham, University of Virginia, Cedar Riener, Randolph-Macon College, Virginia AMD Canceled
295379 39 Cambridge International AS/A Level Thinking Skills Coursebook 3rd Edition AMD Canceled
295380 40 The Cambridge Handbook of Lifespan Development of Creativity (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology) AMD Canceled
295381 41 Good Thinking 2nd Edition AMD Canceled
295382 42 Smart Solution Book, The: 68 Tools For Brainstorming, Problem Solving and Decision Making, 1st edition 23490 AMD 2025-03-03 09:00:00
295383 43 Strategies for Creative Problem Solving 3rd Edition AMD Canceled
295384 44 The Innovation Workout: The 10 tried-and-tested steps that will build your creativity and innovation skills AMD Canceled
295385 45 I am an educator Creativity Now: Get Inspired, Create Ideas and Make Them Happen Now, 2nd edition AMD Canceled
295386 46 Renee Hobbs, Digital and Media Literacy: Connecting Culture and Classroom 1st Edition, 2011, 232p 23290 AMD 2025-03-03 09:00:00
295387 47 Digital and Media Literacy in the Age of the Internet: Practical Classroom Applications Illustrated Edition, Kindle Edition by Mary Beth Hertz AMD Canceled
295388 48 Editing for Sensitivity, Diversity and Inclusion, Renee Otmar AMD Canceled
295389 49 Diversity and European Human Rights AMD Canceled
295390 50 An Introduction to Communication, Lynn H. Turner, Richard West AMD Canceled
295391 51 International Negotiation, Ho-Won Jeong AMD Canceled
295392 52 How We Think: The Art and Science of Reflective Inquiry Annotated by John Dewey and Wombrook Publishing AMD Canceled
295393 53 Critical Thinking at the Forefront of AI Revolution: A Users Guide Book 1 of 1: Forefront of AI Revolution | by Urbi Ghosh AMD Canceled
295394 54 Creating the Reflective Habit by Michelle Lucas AMD Canceled
295395 55 Proving the Value of Soft Skills: Measuring Impact and Calculating ROI by Patricia Pulliam Phillips, Jack J. Phillips, et al. AMD Canceled
295396 56 Fostering Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace: A Competency-Based Approach to Understanding and Fostering Diversity, Equity, and ... Workbooks for Structured Learning Paperback – January 2, 2022 by Dr. Wesley Donahue AMD Canceled
295397 57 The Ultimate Guide To Effective Communication: 8 Techniques to Deepen Intimacy and Resolve Conflicts with Ease Discover Powerful Methods to Transform ... Communicate with Relatives Personal Growth Part of: Personal Growth AMD Canceled
295398 58 The First Minute: How to Start Conversations That Get Results Business Communication Skills Books Book 1 of 2: Business Communication Skills Books AMD Canceled
295399 59 EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION SKILLS FOR PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS: Improving Personal And Professional Relationships While Overcoming Communication Barriers Paperback – August 21, 2024 by Derek Crummy AMD Canceled
295400 60 The Art of Negotiation: How to get what you want every time by Tim Castle 14000 AMD 2025-03-03 09:00:00
295401 61 The Negotiation Book: Your Definitive Guide to Successful Negotiating by Steve Gates 17200 AMD 2025-03-03 09:00:00
295402 62 99 Negotiating Strategies: Tips, Tactics and Techniques Used by Wall Streets Toughest Dealmakers by David Rosen AMD Canceled
295403 63 Negotiating for Success: Essential Strategies and Skills by George J. Siedel AMD Canceled
295404 64 Promoting Inclusive Classroom Dynamics in Higher Education by Kathryn C. Oleson and Tia Brown McNair AMD Canceled
295405 65 Effective Teaching Strategies for Higher Education: Revolutionize Your Classroom With These Proven Teaching Strategies for Higher Education Success by Antoine . E Mcnally AMD Canceled