Announcement about the procedure that is declared under the code of ՆՍԾՏԻԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-21/20 for the purchase of the needs of ““NORK” Social Services Technology and Awareness Centre” FUND
““NORK” Social Services Technology and Awareness Centre” FUND
Procurement Type
Answer and clarification
Publish time
2021-09-17 18:09:43
Bid end time
2021-09-25 10:00:00
Reverse auction
2021-09-27 10:00:00
You can send request before
2021-09-20 10:00:00
Tender changed version(s)
CodePublish time
ՆՍԾՏԻԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-21/202021-09-17 16:36:07


Lot numberOccupied placeSubmitted applicationsEstimated priceFirst bidLast bidParticipant status
11Դամկար ՍՊԸ Product full description340000 AMD 282500 AMD20 %339000 AMD282500 AMD20 %339000.00 AMDRejected
12Prof Al LLC Product full description340000 AMD 283333 AMD20 %339999.6 AMD283333 AMD20 %339999.60 AMD
21Դամկար ՍՊԸ Product full description312000 AMD 257500 AMD20 %309000 AMD257500 AMD20 %309000.00 AMDRejected
22Prof Al LLC Product full description312000 AMD 260000 AMD20 %312000 AMD260000 AMD20 %312000.00 AMD
31Դամկար ՍՊԸ Product full description100000 AMD 82500 AMD20 %99000 AMD82500 AMD20 %99000.00 AMDRejected
32Prof Al LLC Product full description100000 AMD 83333 AMD20 %99999.6 AMD83333 AMD20 %99999.60 AMD
41Prof Al LLC Product full description143000 AMD 119166 AMD20 %142999.2 AMD117000 AMD20 %140400.00 AMD
42Դամկար ՍՊԸ Product full description143000 AMD 119000 AMD20 %142800 AMD119000 AMD20 %142800.00 AMDRejected
51Prof Al LLC Product full description300000 AMD 250000 AMD20 %300000 AMD24000 AMD20 %28800.00 AMD
52Դամկար ՍՊԸ Product full description300000 AMD 249750 AMD20 %299700 AMD249750 AMD20 %299700.00 AMDRejected
61Prof Al LLC Product full description40000 AMD 33333 AMD20 %39999.6 AMD32000 AMD20 %38400.00 AMD
62Դամկար ՍՊԸ Product full description40000 AMD 33000 AMD20 %39600 AMD33000 AMD20 %39600.00 AMDRejected
71Prof Al LLC Product full description165000 AMD 137500 AMD20 %165000 AMD133650 AMD20 %160380.00 AMD
72Դամկար ՍՊԸ Product full description165000 AMD 135000 AMD20 %162000 AMD135000 AMD20 %162000.00 AMDRejected


Lot number CPV Title Bids
4 39522130/1 Պահարանի դիմային դուռ
Prof Al LLC 117000 AMD 2021-09-27 10:04:35
5 39121100/4 Ընդունարանի սեղան
Prof Al LLC 24000 AMD 2021-09-27 10:03:55
6 39141100/1 Համակարգչի համար կողադիր արկղիկ
Prof Al LLC 32000 AMD 2021-09-27 10:04:51
7 39121420/3 Կողադիր պահարան՝ ընդունարանի սեղանի
Prof Al LLC 133650 AMD 2021-09-27 10:31:24