Lots count
end bid time
18421ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-20/22Acquisition of household goods for the needs of Gyumri Municipality20Finished2022-06-06 15:30:00
25404ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-19/23Acquisition of buses and electric buses for the needs of Gyumri municipality2Failed2023-11-01 11:00:00
25357ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-18/23Acquisition of basalt stone for the needs of Gyumri Municipality3Finished2023-10-24 11:00:00
25264ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-17/23Acquisition of benches for the needs of Gyumri municipality1Finished2023-10-16 15:30:00
17376ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-17/22Acquisition of household goods for the needs of Gyumri Municipality19Award2022-03-31 15:00:00
30156ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-16/24Acquiring benches for the needs of the Gyumri municipality within the framework of the participatory budgeting program1Finished2024-07-23 11:00:00
25023ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-16/23Acquisition of printers for the needs of Gyumri Municipality1Finished2023-09-27 15:00:00
17371ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-16/22Приобретение хозяйственных товаров для нужд муниципалитета Гюмри20Award2022-03-31 15:00:00
30117ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-15/24Acquisition of a barrier for the needs of the Gyumri municipality within the framework of the subsidy program1Finished2024-07-22 11:00:00
25001ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-15/23Procurement of buses and electric buses for the needs of Gyumri Municipality2Failed2023-10-02 09:00:00
30011ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-14/24Acquisition of computers and printers for the needs of Gyumri municipality2Finished2024-07-15 10:00:00
24817ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-14/23Acquisition of computers and printers for the needs of Gyumri municipality2Finished2023-09-11 09:00:00
29307ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-13/24Acquisition of multifunctional printers for the needs of Gyumri municipality1Finished2024-06-04 09:30:00
29278ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-12/24Acquiring school bags for the needs of Gyumri Municipality1Finished2024-06-03 09:30:00
23872ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-12/23Acquiring school bags for the needs of Gyumri Municipality1Finished2023-06-16 15:00:00
29260ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-11/24Acquisition of a metal barrier for the needs of the Gyumri municipality2Finished2024-06-03 11:00:00
23712ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-11/23Acquisition of sports uniforms for the needs of Gyumri Municipality6Finished2023-06-05 15:00:00
29252ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-10/24Acquisition of barrier for the needs of Gyumri municipality2Canceled2024-06-03 10:00:00
23069ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-10/23Acquisition of economic goods for the needs of Gyumri Municipality12Award2023-04-17 15:30:00
29264ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-09/24Acquisition of benches, trash cans and flower pots for the needs of Gyumri Municipality5Finished2024-06-06 09:30:00
22753ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-09/23Acquisition of computers for the needs of Gyumri Municipality1Finished2023-03-27 14:30:00
22702ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-08/23Acquisition of basalt stone for the needs of Gyumri Municipality3Finished2023-03-21 15:45:00
27841ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-07/24Acquisition of computers for the needs of Gyumri municipality1Finished2024-03-15 15:20:00
22629ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-07/23Acquisition of benches and trash cans for the needs of the Gyumri municipality3Finished2023-03-13 14:40:00
27576ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-06/24Purchase of gasoline for the needs of Gyumri municipality1Finished2024-03-04 12:00:00
22370ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-06/23Acquisition of stationery for the needs of Gyumri Municipality36Finished2023-02-24 15:30:00
27508ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-05/24Acquisition of economic goods for the needs of Gyumri municipality17Finished2024-03-01 09:00:00
27459ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-04/24Procurement of stationery for the needs of the Gyumri municipality26Finished2024-02-26 15:00:00
22193ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-04/23Acquisition of a car crane-manipulator crane for the needs of Gyumri Municipality within the framework of the subsidy program1Finished2023-02-15 15:30:00
27282ՀՀՇՄԳՀՀԿՀ-ԷԱ-ԱՊՁԲ-03/24Acquisition of compressed natural gas for the needs of Gyumri municipality1Finished2024-02-12 12:00:00
Total 15723 data Lots 139117
1 2 ... 111 112 113 114 115 ... 524 525