Lots count
end bid time
16711ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/31of event management services1Finished2022-02-21 12:00:00
16708ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/30of event management services1Finished2022-02-18 12:30:00
16666ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/29Services are different in the field of printing1Finished2022-02-15 14:30:00
16294ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/24Purchase of internal audit services for the needs of the MSCS 20221Finished2022-01-11 11:00:00
15987ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/18of event management services1Canceled2021-12-23 12:00:00
15992ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/17Purchase of internal audit services for the needs of the MSCS 20221Failed2021-12-23 14:00:00
15930ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/15Electronic information services1Finished2021-12-20 16:00:00
15708ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/12Purchase of internal audit services for the needs of the MSCS 20221Failed2021-12-10 15:30:00
15702ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/11services are different in the field of printing1Finished2021-12-10 14:30:00
15651ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/10services are different in the field of printing1Finished2021-12-09 14:30:00
14843ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-22/1mobile phone services1Finished2021-11-02 14:30:00
13660ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/9Printing and delivery services1Finished2021-05-21 14:30:00
13655ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/8Services related to training programs for the needs / Training of Diaspora teachers / MESCS RA IN 20211Finished2021-05-20 11:00:00
13642ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/62021 Ministry of education, science, culture and sport Republic of Armenia sign Domain Name service supply1Failed2021-05-14 14:30:00
14865ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/492021 Acquisition of services for the transportation of goods for the needs RA MESCS1Failed2021-11-03 11:00:00
14452ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/462021 Acquisition of services for the transportation of goods for the needs RA MESCS1Failed2021-10-07 11:00:00
14034ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/39Acquisition of archive services for the needs of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia1Finished2021-08-17 12:00:00
14035ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/382021 Ministry of education, science, culture and sport Republic of Armenia sign Cargo transportation1Finished2021-08-17 14:30:00
13958ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/34Procurement for provision of services related to training /Training for young workers/ for the needs of the RA Ministry of education, science, culture and sport in 20211Finished2021-08-03 15:00:00
13923ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/31Purchase of event-related services1Finished2021-07-27 10:00:00
13920ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/30Acquisition of event management services for the needs of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia1Finished2021-07-27 12:00:00
13641ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/3Acquisition of sports event management services for the needs of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of the Republic of Armenia1Failed2021-05-14 12:00:00
13893ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/22Procurement or provision of services related to the production of TV products / "100 Ideas for Armenia" Pan-Armenian Youth Competition / for the needs of the RA Ministry of education, science, culture and sport in 20211Finished2021-07-21 15:30:00
13891ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/21Procurement for provision of services related to activities /Journalism competition on the phenomenon of trafficking and combating it/ for the needs of the RA Ministry of education, science, culture and sport in 20211Finished2021-07-21 15:00:00
13838ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/20Procurement for provision of services related to activities aimed at combating trafficking for the needs of the RA Ministry of education, science, culture and sport in 2021.1Finished2021-07-14 15:00:00
13729ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/14for provision of sports events1Finished2021-06-17 14:30:00
13701ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/122021 Ministry of education, science, culture and sport Republic of Armenia sign archival services supply1Finished2021-06-08 14:30:00
13584ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԾՁԲ-21/1Приобретение услуг по организации спортивных мероприятий для нужд МОНКС РА в 2021 году / Лучшая спортивная семья /1Failed2021-04-27 11:00:00
25989ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/8Procurement for gasoline for the needs of the RA Ministry of education, science, culture and sport in 20241Finished2023-12-04 11:00:00
31384ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/74gasoline1Published2024-10-02 11:00:00
Total 15724 data Lots 139129
1 2 ... 119 120 121 122 123 ... 524 525