Lots count
end bid time
21757ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/33souvenir1Finished2023-01-10 12:00:00
21441ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/322023 Acquisition of medals, badges for the needs of for the needs of MESCS6Finished2022-12-26 11:30:00
21394ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/302023 Acquisition of certificates, diplomas, letters of commendation, certificates of appreciation, letters of thanks for the needs of for the needs of MESCS11Finished2022-12-26 11:00:00
21438ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/29video recording system1Finished2022-12-23 15:00:00
21395ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/28scanners for computers and phones2Finished2022-12-22 15:55:00
21376ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/27Purchase of sports equipment for the needs of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia in 202327Finished2022-12-22 14:00:00
21345ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/23Computer and other equipment (all-in-one computer, multifunction printer, overhead projector)3Finished2022-12-23 11:30:00
21346ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/22Furniture (chair with metal frame, bookcases)2Finished2022-12-23 11:00:00
21273ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/21souvenir1Failed2022-12-20 12:30:00
21269ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/20souvenir1Failed2022-12-20 12:00:00
21154ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/2Purchase of sportswear, footwear and other accessories for the needs of the MESCS in 20231Failed2022-12-21 11:00:00
21339ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/15In 2023, the purchase of stationery for the needs of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia8Finished2022-12-20 10:00:00
21189ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/12Purchase of sportswear, footwear and other accessories for the needs of the MESCS in 20231Finished2022-12-20 11:30:00
21176ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/11Purchase of sportswear, footwear and other accessories for the needs of the MESCS in 20231Failed2022-12-20 11:00:00
21228ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/10Purchase of goods for the needs of the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture and Sports of the Republic of Armenia in 20231Finished2022-12-19 10:30:00
19712ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/98sports equipment15Finished2022-09-08 16:00:00
19562ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/97office products11Finished2022-08-29 12:00:00
19472ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/96"An hour. Light, sound systems of the stage of the SNCO "State Theater of Musical Comedy named after Paronyana"2Failed2022-08-25 12:00:00
19307ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/952022 Acquisition of magazines for the needs of for the needs of MESCS2Finished2022-08-08 11:00:00
19162ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/932022 Acquisition of Medals, badges for the needs of for the needs of MESCS1Finished2022-07-25 11:00:00
19120ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/92bulletin board1Finished2022-07-25 12:00:00
19045ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/90Purchase of goods for the needs of Monks RA in 20223Failed2022-07-15 10:00:00
18780ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/892022 Acquisition of magazines for the needs of for the needs of MESCS4Finished2022-07-04 11:00:00
18576ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/86stage sound system of the State Song Theater of Armenia1Finished2022-06-23 15:30:00
18579ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/85Purchase of household goods for the needs of Monks RA in 20222Failed2022-06-20 10:00:00
18554ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/84bulletin board1Failed2022-06-21 12:30:00
18551ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/80office products20Failed2022-06-20 12:30:00
15385ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/8purchase of gasoline1Finished2021-11-25 14:30:00
18427ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/79Purchase of office supplies for the needs of AKGSMS bok6Failed2022-06-07 14:30:00
18536ՀՀԿԳՄՍՆԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/76"An hour. Light, sound systems and projectors of the stage of the SNCO "State Theater of Musical Comedy named after Paronyana"3Finished2022-06-23 12:00:00
Total 15724 data Lots 139129
1 2 ... 123 124 125 126 127 ... 524 525