Lots count
end bid time
21174ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/3RA Tavush regional administration publishes the 2023 invitation to purchase office property for needs3Finished2022-12-16 14:00:00
21095ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/2Invitation to purchase computer equipment for the 2023 needs of the RA Tavush regional office2Failed2022-12-13 12:00:00
21067ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/1Invitation to tender for the purchase of gasoline for the 2023 needs of the RA Tavush Governorate1Failed2022-12-12 12:00:00
15356ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/1Invitation to purchase regular gasoline for the needs of the RA Tavush Regional Administration1Finished2021-11-25 12:00:00
19098ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/05Invitation to purchase gasoline, RA Tavush Marzpetaran1Finished2022-07-21 15:00:00
16193ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/04Invitation to purchase office paper for the needs of the RA Tavush Regional Administration in 20221Finished2022-01-04 10:00:00
15869ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/03Announces an invitation to purchase office supplies for the needs of the RA Tavush Regional Administration in 202220Finished2021-12-20 11:00:00
15531ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/02Invitation to purchase office supplies for the needs of the RA Tavush Marzpetaran in 202229Finished2021-12-03 12:00:00
15340ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-22/01Invitation for the purchase of regular petrol for the needs of the RA Administration of the Tavush region in 20221Canceled2021-11-25 11:00:00
31135ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2024/04The administration of the Governor of Tavush announces a tender for the purchase of property for a kindergarden in Ayrum26Award2024-09-19 12:30:00
30793ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2024/03The staff of the governor of Tavush, RA announces an invitation and announcement for the purchase of property for kindergartens7Award2024-08-29 11:00:00
29803ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2024/02The staff of the governor of Tavush, RA announces an invitation and announcement of a tender for the purchase of property for kindergartens112Finished2024-07-08 11:00:00
26931ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2024/01An invitation and announcement for the purchase of a minibus for the needs of Berd community is announced by the Tavush Governor's Office1Finished2024-01-19 15:00:00
26551ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2023/1An invitation and announcement for the purchase of a minibus for the needs of Berd community is announced by the Tavush Governor's Office.1Failed2024-01-03 14:00:00
20932ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2022/6Invitation to the tender for the purchase of medical equipment for the needs of the RA Tavush regional administration5Finished2022-11-21 15:30:00
15469ՀՀՏՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2021Invitation to purchase regular petrol for the needs of the RA Tavush Regional Administration1Finished2021-11-30 14:00:00
27890ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/10Purchase of stone blocks and cutting discs according to the electronic auction procedure under the code HHTKEN-J-EACHAPDzB-24/10 for the needs of JSC "Jrar".4Failed2024-03-18 15:00:00
22302ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/9Acquisition of oils for the needs of CJSC "Jrar" under the procedure of an electronic auction under the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAPDzB-23/98Finished2023-02-20 14:30:00
22249ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/8Purchase of compressed natural gas for the needs of Jrar CJSC under the electronic auction procedure under the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAPDzB-23/81Failed2023-02-16 14:30:00
22245ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/7Purchase of rolled bronze for the needs of CJSC Jrar under the electronic auction procedure under the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAPDzB-23/71Finished2023-02-16 11:00:00
22107ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/6Purchase of waxed stuffings and stuffings for the needs of "Jrar" CJSC under the electronic auction procedure under the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAPDzB-23/616Finished2023-02-10 14:00:00
25933ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/59Purchase of water flow control valves and single-acting valves through the electronic auction procedure under the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAPDzB-23/59 for the needs of CJSC Dzhrar3Finished2023-11-27 14:30:00
25574ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/58Purchase of water flow control valves and one-way valves through the electronic auction procedure under the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAPDzB-23/58 for the needs of JSC Dzhrar3Failed2023-11-06 12:00:00
25547ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/57Purchase of rolled bronze for the needs of JSC "Jrar" of the Water Committee of the RA MTUI under the code HHTKENJK-J-EACHAPDzB-23/57 through the electronic auction procedure1Finished2023-11-06 15:30:00
25515ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/56Purchase of a battery for the needs of CJSC "Jrar" of the Water Committee of the MTUI RA under the code HHTKENJK-J-EACHAPDzB-23/56 through the electronic auction procedure1Finished2023-11-03 11:00:00
25345ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/55Purchase of office furniture through the electronic auction procedure using the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAPDzB-23/55 for the needs of JSC "Jrar"4Finished2023-10-23 14:00:00
25255ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/54Purchase of measuring rulers through the electronic auction procedure using the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAPDzB-23/54 for the needs of JSC Dzhrar2Finished2023-10-16 12:30:00
25251ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/53Purchase of rolled bronze products through the electronic auction procedure using the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAPDzB-23/53 for the needs of JSC Dzhrar1Failed2023-10-16 12:00:00
25033ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/52Purchase of measuring rulers through the electronic auction procedure using the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAPDzB-23/52 for the needs of CJSC "Jrar"2Failed2023-09-28 15:00:00
25000ՀՀՏԿԵՆՋԿ-Ջ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-23/51Purchase of bolts through the electronic auction procedure using the code HHTKENJK-J-EACAPDzB-23/51 for the needs of CJSC "Jrar"5Finished2023-09-25 14:00:00
Total 15723 data Lots 139117
1 2 ... 90 91 92 93 94 ... 524 525