Lots count
end bid time
32674ՀՓ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/02accessories for printers16Finished2024-11-25 11:30:00
32675ՀՓ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/03computer accessories50Finished2024-11-25 09:30:00
32676ՀՀ-ՊԵԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/26-Աvideo surveillance system equipment6Finished2024-11-26 10:00:00
32677ՊԵԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/5With help of e-auction procedure announcement of State revenue committee of RА for toner cartridges. The code of the e-auction procedure ՊԵԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/512Finished2024-11-25 09:30:00
32678ԵՊՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/245Acquisition of special purpose laboratory furniture for the needs of the Faculty of Chemistry of YSU1Finished2024-11-26 16:00:00
32679ԶՄՄԱԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-03/25acquisition of medication for needs Armavir Medical Center after Zarishat (Aram) Martin Mkrtchyan CJSC75Finished2024-11-25 10:00:00
32680ՅԱԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/10««Yeolyan» Hematology and Oncology Center» MoH of Armenia CJSC purchase procedure for Acquisition of printing forms, YAK-EAChAPDzB-25/1081Finished2024-11-25 11:00:00
32681ՍԱԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/10fuel1Finished2024-11-25 10:00:00
32682ՀՀ ԱԺ ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-25/32025 for monitoring and analysis of the Armenian media field automated online platform services of the RA National Assembly1Finished2024-11-25 12:00:00
32683ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-24/169organization services of New Year's treats1Finished2024-11-25 10:00:00
32684ԵՊՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/4Purchase of computer and network accessories for the needs of the YSU Foundation13Finished2024-11-25 11:00:00
32685ՄԱԿԿ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-25/2Internal audit service for the needs of Committee on Nuclear Safety Regulation of the Republic of Armenia1Failed2024-11-26 10:00:00
32687ԳԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/19ԳԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/196Finished2024-11-25 12:00:00
32689ՀՀԱՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/59Invitation and announcement to a number of kindergartens on the acquisition of property for the needs of the Office of the Governor of the Aragatsotn region of the Republic of Armenia for 20247Finished2024-11-25 10:00:00
32690ՀՀՎԱ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-25/28Electronic information services1Finished2024-11-25 10:00:00
32691ԳՄՄՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/17Procurement of holiday lights for the needs of Martunu community hall of Gegharkunik marz, RA1Failed2024-11-25 15:00:00
32692ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-25/1electronic information transmission services1Finished2024-11-26 10:00:00
32693ՀԾԿՀ-25/1-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲAnnounsement for gasoline acquisition with ՀԾԿՀ-25/1-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ code for needs of Public Services Regulatory Commission of the RA1Finished2024-11-26 15:00:00
32695ՏԿԵՆ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/36special purpose materials61Failed2024-11-25 10:00:00
32696ՅԱԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/09products of medical significance for the "Yolyan Hematology and Oncology Center" CJSC of the RA Ministry of Health55Finished2024-11-25 12:00:00
32697ՌՀԱԲԿ ԷԱԱՊՁԲ 25/3Purchase of medicines for the needs of Abovyan Medical Center after Rubik Harutyunyan CJSC89Finished2024-11-25 14:30:00
32698ԷԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/06Medical Center of Ejmiatsin CJSC3Finished2024-11-25 11:00:00
32699ՄՏԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/2CJSC MTBK Procuroment of Medicines 25/2100Finished2024-11-27 11:00:00
32700ԵՊՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/10Laboratory devices for the needs of YSU Institute of Physics1Finished2024-11-28 11:00:00
32702ՎՁՄ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-35/24Obtaining "Regular" gasoline for the needs of the RA Vayots Dzor Governor's Office1Finished2024-11-28 14:00:00
32703ՀՀ ԱՆ ՔԿԾ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/12Penitentiary service of Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Armenia announcing request for convicts outfit23Finished2024-11-25 11:00:00
32704ԵՊՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/246Acquisition of special purpose laboratory furniture for the needs of the Faculty of Chemistry of YSU3Finished2024-11-26 16:00:00
32705ՀՀՎԱ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/68Computer equipment1Finished2024-11-25 10:00:00
32706ՇՄԱՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/96Acquisition of library books for the needs of the Artik community municipality of the Shirak region of the Republic of Armenia104Finished2024-11-26 11:00:00
Total 19272 data Lots 204225
1 2 ... 530 531 532 533 534 ... 642 643