33604 | ՄՍԾ ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-25/9 | archival services | 1 | Published | 2024-12-23 10:30:00 | |
33603 | ԱԲԿ25-ԷԱՃԱՇՁԲ5/1 | ANNOUNCEMENT A PRICE QUOTATION ENQUIRY | 125 | Published | 2024-12-23 12:00:00 | |
33602 | ՀՆԱ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/01 | household products | 6 | Published | 2024-12-23 10:00:00 | |
33601 | ԿՄ ՆԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-2025/01 | Announcement and invitation for the purchase of medicines for the needs of the Nairi Medical Center of the Kotayk region of the Republic of Armenia | 106 | Canceled | 2024-12-23 09:00:00 | |
33600 | ԳՎԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/2 | Gavar MC CJSC 2025 dialysis materials and accessories invitation | 9 | Published | 2024-12-23 14:00:00 | |
33599 | ԳՎԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/1 | Gavar MC CJSC 2025 regular gasoline procurement invitation | 1 | Published | 2024-12-23 12:00:00 | |
33597 | ՀՀ ՀԿԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-ՄԵԴԱԼ-25/9 | Acquisition of medals and badges for the needs of the RA Anti-Corruption Committee | 4 | Published | 2024-12-25 10:00:00 | |
33596 | ՀՀ ՀԿԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-ՀԱՄԱԶԳԵՍՏ-25/8 | Procurement of uniforms for the needs of the RA Anti-Corruption Committee | 61 | Published | 2024-12-24 14:00:00 | |
33595 | ԵԱ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/54 | Announcement and invitation | 1 | Published | 2024-12-24 11:00:00 | |
33594 | ՀՀԱՄՄՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/161 | Announcement about the procedure that is declared under the code of ՀՀԱՄՄՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/161 for the purchase of the needs of Metsamor Municipality. | 59 | Published | 2024-12-23 11:00:00 | |
33593 | ԵՔ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/16 | wreaths and flowers | 2 | Published | 2024-12-23 09:30:00 | |
33592 | ՀՀԱՄՄՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/160 | Announcement about the procedure that is declared under the code of ՀՀԱՄՄՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/160 for the purchase of the needs of Metsamor Municipality. | 42 | Published | 2024-12-23 10:00:00 | |
33591 | ՀՀ ԱՄՎՀ ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ 25/3 | stationery | 21 | Published | 2024-12-23 10:30:00 | |
33590 | ՀՀ ԱՄՎՀ ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ 25/2 | car fuel | 2 | Published | 2024-12-23 10:00:00 | |
33589 | ՄՍԾ ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/5 | security cameras | 1 | Published | 2024-12-23 09:30:00 | |
33587 | ԲԷՑ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-24/19 | pstaff medical examination service | 10 | Published | 2024-12-23 10:00:00 | |
33585 | ԷԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/14 | Medical Center of Ejmiatsin CJSC | 74 | Published | 2024-12-23 10:00:00 | |
33584 | ՆՄԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/26 | Procedure for purchasing medical significance goods for the needs of Nork Marash MC CJSC | 5 | Published | 2024-12-23 11:00:00 | |
33583 | ԱԲԿ-ԷԱՃԾՁԲ-25/1 | Electronic auction with the code АБК-ЭАЧЦДЗБ-25/1 announced for the procurement of Laboratory Quality Management System Implementation Service for the needs of Akhuryan Medical Center CJSC | 1 | Published | 2024-12-23 12:00:00 | |
33582 | ՍՄԳԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/6 | fuel | 3 | Published | 2024-12-23 11:00:00 | |
33580 | ԱՍՀՆ-ՊՈԱԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/7-Վ-1 | The center for round-the-clock specialized care in Vardenis, 2025. a set for the needs | 2 | Published | 2024-12-23 11:30:00 | |
33579 | ՄԲԿ-ԷԱԱՊՁԲ 2025-05 | Procurement of medicines for the needs of Martuni MC CJSC | 43 | Published | 2024-12-23 14:00:00 | |
33578 | ՇՄԳԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/8 | laboratory materials and accessories | 42 | Published | 2024-12-24 10:00:00 | |
33577 | ՇՄԳԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/7 | A4 size paper | 1 | Published | 2024-12-23 10:00:00 | |
33576 | ԱՄԱՀ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-24/145 | Procurement of administrative equipment (furniture) for the needs of the Artashat Municipality | 12 | Published | 2024-12-23 10:00:00 | |
33575 | ՏԿԵՆ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/18 | Computer and office equipment | 8 | Published | 2024-12-23 11:00:00 | |
33574 | ՍՄՍԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/03 | notice 25/03-ԷԱՃ | 100 | Published | 2024-12-23 16:00:00 | |
33573 | ՆՄԲԿ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/25 | Procedure for purchasing foods for the needs of Nork Marash MC CJSC | 10 | Published | 2024-12-23 10:00:00 | |
33572 | ՎԱԲՏ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/22 | The contracting authority Office of the Prime Minister of the Republiq af Armenia gives notice for computer equipment the Code of ՎԱԲՏ-ԷԱՃԱՊՁԲ-25/22 | 1 | Published | 2024-12-23 10:00:00 | |